Accident spinal surgical injuries and other types of injury to the spine can require sometimes extensive testing and treatment in an effort to resolve or treat an injury.

Moore Faust Injury Law Group are not medial doctors and the information below is merely an overview of the subject and should not be a substitute for competent medial evaluations and diagnosis by a licensed, trained medial specialist in the subject.

The following procedures are often seen in the treatment of serious injuries.

Cervical Spine

Your neck needs to be strong to hold up your head, which may weigh 10 pounds or more. But injuries can damage the structures of your cervical spine. Pain and weakness in your neck and arms may result.

The upper spine is a flexible column made up of the cervical vertebrae. These seven bones are separated by spongy, shock-absorbing disks. The spinal cord runs through a large central opening (spinal canal) formed by the vertebrae. Nerves branching from the spinal cord travel to your arms and other parts of your body through small openings (foramina) between the vertebrae.

One of the most common cervical spine problems is a damaged disk or herniated disk. For more information, please see Disk Herniations below.

Cervical Disk Surgery

Do you suffer from nagging neck and arm pain or weakness caused by a disk problem in your cervical spine or other accident spinal surgical injuries? Ongoing pain or weakness in your neck or arm can restrict the use of your arm and hand. This can impair your ability to work. Even worse, you may have found that none of the treatments you have tried have relieved your symptoms. You may feel as though pain has taken over your life.

Most cervical disk problems improve with non-surgical care. But many people find relieve from pain and weakness only after cervical disk surgery. During this surgery, your surgeon may be able to treat the problem causing your symptoms and allow you to take control of your life again.

Disk Herniations

Disk herniations at various levels of the spine are a common result of trauma to victims involved in an automobile accident or motorcycle crash. This section discusses the components of disk herniations in the cervical and lumbar spine.

Cervical Herniations

One of the most common cervical spine problems is a damaged disk. A disk may be injured and bulge outward resulting in a herniation.

With a herniated disk, the annulus tears or the nucleus pushes through the annulus. The herniated portion of the disk may press on a nearby nerve. This may cause neck or arm pain, or weakness in the arm.

Often surgery, described in our medical library, is the only option to return to anything close to life as you knew before the accident caused by the negligence of another.

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency is the use of electrical current to block transmission in pain pathways. It has been used to destroy pain transmission to the trigeminal ganglion, dorsal root ganglion, facet joints, and sympathetic tissue. The electric current is transmitted through a needle placed into the specific neural tissue necessary under x-ray guidance. Radio frequency can be used to treat patients with the following types of pain:

  • Neck pain (Associated with traumatic facet arthropathy)
  • Headaches
  • Back pain (Associated with traumatic facet arthropathy)
  • Radiculopathy
  • Pain involving the sympathetic nervous system


Traumatic facet arthropathy (spondylitis) can result in severe pain and poor range of motion. This trauma causes an inflammatory cascade which ultimately stimulates and irritates a C-fiber nerve called the medial branch nerve (MBN).

The MBN causes pain and massive reactive spasm, and the treatment focuses on first blocking the MBN and then, if the block is successful, it proves that denervation will be effective in relieving the patient’s pain.

Denervation allows posture to correct and gives the body a chance to heal without constant reinjury from spasm and asymmetric posture and limited range of motion.

Percutaneous Diskectomy

There are many types of accident spinal surgical injuries, including percutaneous diskectomy is an outpatient procedure that uses x-ray pictures and a video screen as a guide for your surgeon to reach and fix the damaged disk. The incision, made in the small of your back is about the size of a puncture wound. Because your surgeon can see the damaged disk on a video screen, it’s not necessary to remove bone to view and reach the disk. After surgery, a small bandage is placed over the incision.

To reach the disk, your surgeon may use a suction probe, laser probe, or forceps. After inserting the instrument into the disk, your surgeon removes the damage disk material.


Diskectomy — To remove the disk material that is causing the pain, your surgeon first makes an incision in the midline of your back. Then, to see and reach the damaged disk, your surgeon removes some or all of the lamina. Next your surgeon removes the disk material that is pressing on the nerve.

Microdiskectomy — This surgery is much like the diskectomy described above, however, you surgeon uses an operating microscope to magnify, highlight, and see the disk. A magnified view means that the incision, located in the midline of your back, is smaller than that of a diskectomy, with less damage to surrounding tissue.

Lumbar Disk Surgery

Persistent pain in your low back or leg caused by spinal disk problems can be frustrating because it limits your ability to move and do the things you enjoy. To manage these problems, you have to follow your doctor’s conservative treatment plan. If this fails, surgery can help relive your pain by treating your disk problem.

Your disk problem may be corrected by a diskectomy, the surgical removal of the portion of the disk that’s putting pressure on a nerve, causing pain in your back or leg. Your surgeon may recommend a diskectomy, microdiskectomy or a percutaneous diskectomy.



Fusion — After removing a disk from the front (anterior), your surgeon may fuse the vertebrae above and below it. This limits movement, helping to relieve pressure and pain. First, the surgeon enlarges the space between the vertebrae. The surgeon then “plugs” the space with a cylinder or wedge-shaped bone graft. Metal plates may be added. As you heal, the graft and vertebrae grow together. After fusion, your ability to bend your neck may be slightly restricted.

Posterior Approach

During surgery, your surgeon may remove all or part of the disk. To reach the cervical spine, he or she may make an incision in the front (anterior) or the back (posterior) of your neck.

In a posterior approach, your surgeon will make an incision in the middle of the back of your neck. Then he or she may remove bone to reach the problem area. The surgeon then removes the damaged portion of the disk.

Anterior Approach

During surgery, your surgeon may remove all or part of the disk. To reach the cervical spine, he or she may make an incision in the front (anterior) or the back (posterior) of your neck.

With the anterior approach, the neck may be more stable with a fusion (joining) of the vertebrae.

With an anterior approach, your surgeon will make a horizontal or vertical incision on either side of your neck. To reach the disk, soft tissue is moved aside. All or part of the disk that is irritating the nerve is then removed. Your surgeon may remove bone spurs. The vertebrae may then be prepared for a fusion. Please see the sub-menu, Fusion, for further details.

Follow-up Care

Your surgeon will schedule one or more follow-up visits to make sure your recovery is successful. To ensure the best possible results, follow all of your surgeon’s instructions. If you had a fusion, x-rays may be taken to see how well the graft is healing. The graft should be almost completely healed in about 3-6 months. Your surgeon may also evaluate nerve function and arm strength if you had arm or hand pain, numbness, or weakness prior to surgery. Once your neck is healed, your doctor may recommend exercises or physical therapy to help strengthen your neck.

Brain Injuries

Approximately 1,000,000 babies, children, and adults suffer from any number of brain, head, and spinal cord injuries in the United States. A brain injury is a devastating and life-altering situation for the victim, as well as his or her family.

Some brain and head injuries include hematomas, concussions, and skull fractures. Listed below are just a few symptoms which may be caused by a brain injury:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Post-traumatic amnesia
  • Encephalopathy
  • Seizure
  • Un-reactive pupils

Depending upon the exact type of brain injury, and the severity of the brain injury, the victim may suffer permanent brain damage, affecting all aspects of his or her life.  In some situations people who have suffered from brain injuries are no longer capable of caring for themselves, caring for their families, or performing work related or simple daily tasks. 

If you have suffered a serious brain injury as the result of another person’s recklessness or negligent behavior, you have the right to fair compensation from the insurance company.  Please contact Moore Faust Injury Law Group today to discuss your case with an accomplished brain injury attorney.


No-Cost Review of Your Claim

If you have been injured due to another’s negligence, including having suffered accident spinal surgical injuries or other damages from a collision, you have the right to fair compensation. Before you settle, contact Moore-Faust Injury Law Group for a free, no obligation consultation regarding your injury claim.


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Moore-Faust Injury Law Group brings more than 30 years of experience to the table on behalf of our clients. We have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for victims who were seriously injured or lost their life by the carelessness of others in vehicle crashes and other accidents. Contact us for a free, no obligation review of your injury claim.





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